Public Use of Meeting Rooms

Policy Statement:

Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) allows the use of designated meeting rooms at its neighborhood branches by community and non-profit groups and organizations for meetings that are educational, cultural, or civic in nature. Use is granted on equal terms to all groups provided that the group complies with the policy guidelines as stated. BPL reserves the right to deny applications for use based on the availability of space, staff coverage, and frequency of use.

No implications can be made through written material or media relations that BPL is sponsoring the event. Authorization to use BPL’s facilities does not reflect endorsement by the Library of any particular program, position, or purpose of any person or organization.

See information on reserving space for private events at the library. Or, to suggest a public program at the library, please complete the form.

Procedures and Guidelines

Library meeting rooms are maintained primarily for use by BPL, and use of rooms for Library purposes takes precedence over all other uses. For times when a meeting room is not needed by BPL, requests for use are considered on a first-come, first-served basis and subject to the following procedures and guidelines:


  • A meeting room reservation form must be completed and signed in advance by the adult who will be responsible for the use of the room.
    • If the location has online reservations enabled, an online reservation should be completed instead.
  • Meeting rooms can only be used during the branch’s regular business hours.
  • The Library will NOT supply any materials for meetings. A/V equipment may be available for use in some meeting rooms, if requested in advance on the reservation form, but is not guaranteed.
  • No food is permitted unless requested in advance on the reservation form. If permission is granted, certain restrictions still apply: no alcohol or flames/heating elements are allowed on BPL property.
  • To promote accessibility of meeting rooms to a wide variety of groups, or due to staffing requirements, the Library may limit the number or length of meetings during any time period for any particular group.
  • Cancellations should be made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.


  • All persons attending meetings at BPL are subject to the Public Behavior in the Library Policy.
  • Library meeting rooms may NOT be used for:
    • Commercial purposes, solicitation of business, or non-BPL fundraising
    • Political campaigning on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for elected public office
    • Any illegal or potentially hazardous activity
  • Attendance may not exceed the meeting room’s capacity.
  • Meetings with minors must be supervised at all times by the adult responsible for the room reservation.
  • Tables and chairs may be rearranged for meetings, but the room must be returned to its original condition afterwards.
  • Library staff may enter and remain in a meeting room at any time.
  • BPL is not responsible for damage or loss of property of meeting organizers or their attendees.


  • No group or organization may use the Brooklyn Public Library logo in promoting or advertising their meeting without the Library’s permission.
  • No group or organization may list the address of the Library as its mailing address.
  • Marketing or promotional materials created must make clear that the event is not affiliated with Brooklyn Public Library.
  • If there is any damage to any room or equipment that necessitates professional cleaning or repairs, the meeting applicant will be held responsible for all associated costs.

Failure to comply with any of the Library’s policies and guidelines may result in termination of the meeting and/or the loss of future use of meeting rooms.

Approved by Brooklyn Public Library Board of Trustees: June 27, 2013.