New & Noteworthy

About New & Noteworthy

Are you ready to read? This space is designed as a gateway to literary discovery.  The New & Noteworthy room offers reading nooks, vinyl records and a rotating collection curated by BPL librarians. With a different theme every few months, New & Noteworthy features books for all ages and from all subject divisions at Central Library. The reimagined New & Noteworthy section is made possible through the generosity of Susan and David Marcinek.

Current Theme: Sports!
Vinyl Records

BPL teen and adult card holders can check out up to 3 vinyl records at a time from our new vinyl collection. See additional information here

New & Noteworthy Theme Collection information

The New & Noteworthy theme collection is a bit different than other collection at Brooklyn Public Library. This collection is a "Lucky Day" model. What does that mean for you?

  • Books can be checked out for 21 days
  • Books are not holdable
  • Books are not renewable
  • If you find a book in New & Noteworthy, it's available for immediate check out, even if there are holds on other copies
  • Books not returned after 21-days are treated like all other library materials
  • Lost or damaged New & Noteworthy books are treated like all other library materials
  • There are no limits to the number of New & Noteworthy books you can check out, but they do count against the total number of checkouts allowed
View of New and Noteworthy
Photo: Gregg Richards, Brooklyn Public Library
Central Library Revitalization

This space was part of Phase One of Central Library's renovations.

See what's next at Central Library.