Teen Internships and Paid Opportunities

Find out what’s happening at your library! Join us for volunteer and internship opportunities to help build your skills–and your resume. 

Current Opportunities

A teen girl holds a book while speaking into a microphone.
BKLYN BookMatch Teen

Learn the art of recommending books from librarians, book selectors, publishers and authors, and develop a readers’ advisory service exclusive to teens. Represent BPL at events and select books to be added to the Library’s collection!

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Two teens look at a whiteboard covered in Post-It Notes
Librarians of Tomorrow

Librarians of Tomorrow is an innovative, hands-on internship program for 10th-12th grade students from diverse backgrounds with an interest in library careers.


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A teen smiles at the camera while sitting in front of a laptop.
Teen Techies

Do you love technology and your library? Learn new computer skills in a two-week fall technology institute, and then share those skills by helping patrons use library computers.



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A teen, illuminated by purple light, sings into a mic
Teen Takeover Branch Council

Plan, organize, promote, and host after-hours programs for other teens.

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More opportunities:
Volunteer at the Library

Help your community & apply to volunteer at BPL. Apply to be a volunteer


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