Artist Books in Action: politics, race, gender

Mon, Sep 16 2019
2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Central Library, Info Commons Lab

BPL Presents exhibitions

Join Franklin Furnace Senior Archivist Michael Katchen at this first of two Artist Books in Action programs where he and guest panelists will take us through the ways performance and visual artists use the medium of artist books to address race, gender and politics. (Note: Martha Wilson hosted in lieu of Michael Katchen)

Following Franklin Furnace Senior Archivist Michael Katchen’s PowerPoint presentation, Franklin Furnace has invited Horace Brockington, curator of our 1980 exhibition, Dialects: Diverse Bookworks by Black and Hispanic Artists, and artist Chloë Bass to engage in dialogue with him and the audience.

Dialects consisted of approximately fifty works by Hispanic and Black artists and included printed books, photo-folios, handmade books, painted books, audio books, handwritten books, silk-screen books, hole-punched, brunt-imprints, and sculptural books. In the late 1970s art environment, the artists' book had become an art object independent of other works by artists. It is with this thinking that the exhibition Dialects was originated. Dialects attempted to explore the changes in artistic vocabulary on the part of the artist as the transference in the medium occured from their primary medium to the book format. Artists included Benny Andrews, Tony Bechara, Camille Billops, Willie Birch, Frank Braxton, Frank Bowing, Wilfredo Chiseo, Gylbert Coker, John Dowell, Tom Feelings, Antonio Frasconi, Sam Gilliam, David Hammons, Gail Hansberry, Marvin Harden, Jacqui Holmes, Carlos Irizarry, Noah Jemison, Jacob Lawrence, Adal Maldonado, Ana Mendieta, Sandra Payne, Howardena Pindell, Liliana Porter, Robert Reid, Jorge Rodriguez, Mahler Ryder, Coreen Simpson, Reginald Walker, Stanley Whitney, Randy Williams, and William T. Williams.

Artist Chloë Bass will present on her project The Book of Everyday Instruction, Chapter Five: Protect & Preserve. Protect & Preserve is a postcard-based artist-book and lecture-performance drawn from interviews with St. Louis residents about safety in 2016, two years after Michael Brown's murder. The project is part of the larger Book of Everyday Instruction, an eight-chapter investigation of one-on-one social interaction. Protect & Preserve explores the paired relationship between a person and a city, focusing on the question, "What is the relationship between people and safe places?"

Come back on Wednesday, October 2 for our second Artist Books in Action event, adressing humor, satire, and parody.

View information on the Franklin Furnace: Performance Is Public exhibition here.

*Image above: Tehching Hsieh, One Year Performance 1981-82, February 16–March 12, 1983.Collection of Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc.

10 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11238 Get Directions
Add to My Calendar 09/16/2019 02:30 pm 09/16/2019 04:00 pm America/New_York Artist Books in Action: politics, race, gender <p>Join Franklin Furnace Senior Archivist Michael Katchen at this first of two&nbsp;<em>Artist Books in Action</em> programs where he and guest panelists will take us through the ways performance and visual artists use the medium of artist books to address race, gender and politics. (Note: Martha Wilson hosted in lieu of Michael Katchen)</p> <p>Following Franklin Furnace Senior Archivist Michael Katchen’s PowerPoint presentation, Franklin Furnace has invited Horace Brockington, curator of our 1980 exhibition, <em>Dialects: Diverse Bookworks by Black and Hispanic Artists</em>, and artist&nbsp;<a href="">Chloë Bass</a> to engage in dialogue with him and the audience.</p> <p><em>Dialects </em>consisted of approximately fifty works by Hispanic and Black artists and included printed books, photo-folios, handmade books, painted books, audio books, handwritten books, silk-screen books, hole-punched, brunt-imprints, and sculptural books. In the late 1970s art environment, the artists' book had become an art object independent of other works by artists. It is with this thinking that the exhibition <em>Dialects </em>was originated. <em>Dialects </em>attempted… Brooklyn Public Library - Central Library, Info Commons Lab MM/DD/YYYY 60