You’ve put in all the work, crossed that grand stage, moved your tassel from right to left, and had the big celebration with family and friends. Perhaps a great many of you already know your next steps: offers from colleges or potential employers, maybe a new city or country to explore, maybe staying home for an extended break before the “real world” begins?
Wherever you may find yourself, Brooklyn Public Library provides resources and guidance on what’s next through our Business & Career Center (B&CC). Your library card is the key to accessing sites like Brainfuse JobNow or Career Cruising to explore career options, or Weiss Financial Ratings for all things money. Need to develop the sought-after skills the job market is looking for? B&CC can help with that, too, with workshops on preparing your resume, getting ready for a job interview, or even information on certifications you might need to stand out in the candidate pool.
Live for the behind-the-scenes of couture life? B&CC offers up the BKLYN Fashion Academy, a program that teaches you how to create a viable fashion business.
Have an idea for a great business? Take your first steps with the PowerUP! Business Plan Competition, a series that guides applicants through the process of setting up a small business, with cash prizes for the most promising ideas to come alive.
And if that’s all too much to process right now, how about loading up your TBR pile with some books on choosing careers, life after school, and more?
Adulting: How To Become a Grown-Up in 535 Easy(ish) Steps by Kelly Williams Brown
Adulting, based on the blog that started a movement, makes the scary, confusing "real world" approachable, manageable--and even conquerable.
Life Skills: How To Cook, Clean, Manage Money, Fix Your Car, Perform CPR, and Everything in Between by Julia Laflin
Full of useful advice and practical skills that everyone should know, this comprehensive how-to guide will provide you with the essential knowledge you need to tackle life's everyday challenges.
Hi, Just a Quick Question: Queries, Advice, and Figuring It All Out by Beth Evans
Building on the success of I Really Didn't Think This Through, this long-awaited, hilarious sequel by popular Instagram artist Beth Evans offers her take on life's most daunting questions.
This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.
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