Stressed? We Swear These Books Will Help!


Book Cover for Swearing Is Good for You by Emma ByrneEver feel like you just want to say fork it all, flip a table, and walk into the sea? Yeah, me either, but in case you have a “friend” who feels that way, here are some books to help them cope with all the bullshirt life has to offer.

On Bullsh*t is the quintessential philosophy texts that proves itself by writing bullshirt about bullshirt. It’s fast, fun, and firmly tongue-in-cheek, using the precepts of philosophical discourse to live up to its title. 

In The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life, Mark Mason gives a fork you to blind optimism while encouraging a realistic and swear-laden approach to dealing with the kinds of sh*t life seems determined to dish out. The audiobook version also gets an enthusiastic two forking thumbs up! 

Diptych image of dialog scene from the Big LebowskiMarie Kondo your brain with The Life-changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck (not actually written by Marie Kondo) and give yourself permission not to give a fork about things that don’t spark joy so you can manage your giving-a-fork budget wisely. Author and speaker Sarah Knight shares her wisdom in her book and TEDx Talk.

Perhaps all this swearing has made you ask yourself, “Self, who invented all of these miraculous forking words and why the fork do we use them?” Well, wonder no longer. Books like Holy Shit: A Brief History of Swearing and Swearing Is Good for You: The Amazing Science of Bad Language will introduce you to terminology and back up your cussing with some serious forking science. 

For more books on the subject of swearing, check out our booklist (with a forking great name)—


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