Meet Jason, a seven-year-old kid who loves reading and playing with his dogs. When a jaguar enters the library after the Page Flipper meeting and swallows Rachel and Sheneatha, Jason save the day (and the librarians, of course!) by asking the right questions.
Grab your grownup for these extra resources!
- Our grownup moment on this episode was about the free resource called Career Cruising, which is a way for kids and grownups to explore different jobs.
- Do you want to be on our Ooh Song? Record yourself on a smart phone or computer saying something you like to do, and have your grownup email the audio file to podcasts [at] bklynlibrary [dot] org. Oh, and tell us your name so we can give you a shoutout!
- Read more books about animals, or check out Wild Vet Adventures, the book that the Whoa Gizmo found for Jason.
- Want to use our podcast episode in your library or classroom? We've created a story time program, and a program for school-age kids.
The Whoa Gizmo (aka our fantastic children's librarians) created a book list about animals and veterinarians to go along with this episode! Plus, if you're a teacher or a librarian, we created a story time and an activity for school-age kids that you can use in your own library or classroom, with this episode as starting point.
Episode Transcript
Meet Jason and Dr. Alicia!

Sheneatha You’re listening to Page Flippers Take on the World from Brooklyn Public Library: a podcast where kids save the day by exploring their interests, discovering new books and talking to real live experts! If you can take over the show, you can take on the world!
[Sound of a door opening]
Sheneatha Hi, Rachel!
Rachel Oh, hey, Sheneatha.
Sheneatha We just ran out of library cards, Rachel -- I’m just going to grab some from your file cabinet if you don’t mind. These kids are so excited to check out new books!
[Sound of file cabinet opening]
Rachel Wait – don't … !
Sheneatha Ah! Rachel! Why is there a hamster in your file cabinet??
Rachel Why, Sheneatha, this is, uh, my new assistant, Harold? For story time?
Sheneatha How would the hamster help with story time?
Rachel Uh … he could hold the book for me? And he sings! [Hamster squeaks] He’s very good at Old McDonald. You know, "Old McDonald had a hamster… "
Sheneatha As amazing as it would be to have a hamster assistant during storytime, I don’t think it’s the best idea.
[File cabinet closes]
Rachel You’re probably right. I just love animals so much and I thought if I pet-sat my friend’s hamster and pretended he was my assistant, I could learn to be a good pet owner!
Sheneatha Oh, I understand that -- pretending is a great way to discover what you like to do! Once, I pretended that my mop was a microphone so I could learn to sing like Aretha Franklin.
[Cuckoo clock]
Rachel Oh, whoops, it’s time to start the meeting!
Sheneatha And the magic!
Rachel How should we get to the meeting room this time? Book chute? Tunnel? Secret staircase?
Sheneatha and Rachel Book chute!
Rachel Hey you all out there … want to come with us? Just close your eyes and ...
[Sliding sound, traveling down the magic book chute]
? Theme Song Lyrics ?
Kid I'm really good at cooking!
Rachel That's so cool. Maybe one day you'd like to work as a chef. Or own a restaurant. Or write cookbooks!
Kid I can draw a really amazing monster.
Kid I'm really good at painting.
Sheneatha Wow! Maybe you'd like to be an illustrator for books. Or work as a computer animator for movies or video games!
Chorus Page Flippers take on the world! x 4
Sheneatha I can do so many things! I read about the things I dream. I flip pages like a chef flips pancakes. I'm a Page Flipper, I can do anything!
Chorus Page Flippers take on the world! x 2
[Theme song fades out to sound of kids talking, running around]
Sheneatha Hi, everyone! Welcome to the Page Flipper Club! For those of you who are here for the first time, I’m librarian Sheneatha.
Rachel And I’m librarian Rachel! And I hereby call to order this meeting of Page Flippers: kid book lovers who want to be the best readers … and the best people they can be! You know what we love to say: we flip pages like a chef flips pancakes.
Sheneatha That’s right! To start off our Page Flipper meeting, let’s do our Imagination Recitation!
Rachel Everybody join in!
[Librarians lead chant, with kid voices echoing the lines]
Want to travel the world? Just flip a page!
Want to save the day? Just flip a page!
The story I make is up to me.
We’ll make our world what we want it to be.
When we meet in this library space, we change it to a magical place!
Sheneatha Now the magic can really start!
[Shaking, tinkling, ringing ... sounds of the Whoa Gizmo appearing]
Melina What is that? It looks like some crazy magical machine!
Jack It's got lots of buttons and levers.
[Whoosh sound]
Kid voices Whoa!
Sheneatha Whoa is right ... it’s the Whoa Gizmo!
Melina What does it do?
Sheneatha Some incredible things! But it can’t do anything until it gets to know our Star Page Flipper.
Rachel So let’s get to it! Today’s Star Page Flipper is Jason! Jason, would you like to introduce yourself?
Jason Hello! I’m Jason. I live in Brooklyn, New York.
Rachel Let’s hear it for Jason!
Kid voices Yay, Jason!
Sheneatha During the Page Flipper meeting, we’ll find out more about Jason’s interests.
Rachel Oh! And then we get to find him the perfect book! That’s my favorite part.
Sheneatha Mine too. Because when we read, we go on adventures and learn more about the things that interest us. You know, things that make you go “Oooooh.”
Kid voices Oooooh.
Melina I still don't get it. What do you mean “things that make you go ooh”?
Sheneatha I’ve got a song about it – want to hear it?
? Ooh Song Lyrics ?
Sheneatha Tell me the things you like that make your heart sing! Stuff that makes you happy, your favorite things.
Simon Glickstein I'm really good at climbing.
Sheneatha Things you love to do and learn about, things that make you shout! Ooh. Oh. Things that make you go ooh ooh ooh.
Lupita Roman-Payack I love to go to the library every week and I'm such a good helper-teacher with Ms. Paul.
Rachel I love that one! Shoutout to the Page Flippers on this week’s Ooh Song: Simon Glickstein and Lupita Roman-Payack. And any Page Flipper can be part of our Ooh song. We’ll tell you more about how you can do that at the end of our meeting. Jason, since you’re the Star Page Flipper today, tell us, what makes you go “ooh”?
Jason I like to draw, I like to read, I like to play piano…
Rachel What kind of books do you like to read?
Jason I like to read books about history, like the Who HQ books. I also like to read about Dog Man and stuff. [gasp] You know what I like a lot? I love dogs. They’re like so cute. I want to be a vet when I grow up. Do you have a book about being a vet?
Rachel Does the library have books about being a vet? Ha! The Whoa Gizmo can help with that.
Sheneatha Jason, if you’re ready for the Whoa Gizmo, it’s ready for you. Go ahead and pull the lever, and see what comes out.
[Sounds of lever being pulled and machine working]
Sheneatha It’s a book! Wild Vet Adventures: Saving Animals Around the World with Dr. Gabby Wild. You know what it’s time for …?
Kid voices Book talk!
[Jungle noises underneath narration]
Sheneatha Imagine if you will: You’ve got your hands inside a jaguar’s mouth! [Growl] Good thing he’s asleep from the anesthesia you gave him. You’re fixing his tooth and suddenly, he starts to wake up. [Gasps] What do you do?!
[Music starts, jungle sounds fade]
Rachel I have no idea.
Kid What did she do?
Sheneatha You’ll find out what Dr. Wild did in this exciting book! She has helped animals all over the world, including octopuses, tarantulas and ibexes, which are wild goats that can jump six feet in the air without a running start! That means they can jump over my head! [Goat bleat] There are so many wonderful photos of wild animals in this book and wild, true stories. I think you’ll love it! What do you think, Jason? Want to check this book out?
Jason Definitely! [Sounds of the Whoa Gizmo shaking] Wait, what’s going on?
Sheneatha The Whoa Gizmo is moving, it’s shaking. Is that a screen appearing?
Rachel It must be a call coming through! Go ahead and start your video and unmute yourself, Jason. I think the Whoa Gizmo has a call just for you!
Dr. Alicia Hi, Page Flippers. I’m Dr. Alicia Marquart and I’m a veterinarian. I heard through the Whoa Gizmo you’re interested in being a veterinarian?
Jason Yeah, I am! Can you tell me more about what you do?
Dr. Alicia I sure can, Jason. I get to help dogs and kitties all day long. It's very fulfilling.
Jason What's your day like? Do you have coffee in the morning?
Dr. Alicia My day is very busy, so I usually wake up. I drink coffee on my way to work, and then I'm filled with appointments all day long. Seeing puppies and kitties and then yeah, in my free time, I do some research and spend time with my family.
Jason What did you have to get better at to be a good vet?
Dr. Alicia I had to get better at listening. So, sometimes it's the biggest part of being a veterinarian is listening to what's happening to the pet and what that owner tells you.
Jason Are you ever scared when you have to do surgery?
Dr. Alicia I am scared sometimes when I have to do surgery, especially when it's big ones. So, you know, you always worry you're going to do something a little bit wrong. But most of the time it turns out just fine and you get to save that puppy's life.
Jason What about … are you disgusted in it?
Dr. Alicia Never disgusted. No. So actually, I like it a lot. Surgery is one of my favorite things.
Jason Doesn't cost a lot of money to be a vet?
Dr. Alicia It does cost a lot of money to be a vet. So, it actually costs as much to be a vet as it does to be a regular doctor. So you have to take out student loans or you have to get money from the government that you eventually have to pay back with lots of interest or you have to pay them back more than what you, what you get for them. And it's always best if you can try and work while you go to school. So you, instead of taking out so many loans, you can actually pay for your for your schooling without taking that many loans out.
Jason How do you help the community?
Dr. Alicia So I help the community by making sure that there’s not diseases that humans can get, so we make sure we vaccinate all the animals for rabies. That way, humans can't get rabies. I also do a lot of education with owners to let them know what their pets can give them, like intestinal parasites or certain bacteria.
Jason One thing: my pug actually had, um like worms in him? Like the parasite worms that were in him? He had that. But it's gone now.
Dr. Alicia Yep, yep. So that's what we yeah, we screened for that annually and we get them de-wormers because those are things you can get from your dogs. So we want to make sure you're healthy, too.
Jason Okay, next question. What are some other jobs I can do if I like working with animals?
Dr. Alicia There are lots of jobs you can do if you’re not a veterinarian. You can go work at the Zoo. My son wants to be a marine biologist and work with the animals that are under the sea, so that’s something you could think about.
Jason Have you ever tried to help a shark?
Dr. Alicia I have not tried to help a shark. Sharks scare me.
Jason Oh…
Dr. Alicia Well I do have an appointment to meet with a hamster. Flip a page to find me anytime!
Jason Bye, Dr. Alicia!
Jason Wow, that was really cool to talk to a vet.
Rachel And those were some great questions you asked, Jason!
Sheneatha Now it’s time for our last segment of the show! It’s time to … Grab your grownup!
? Grab Your Grownup Lyrics ?
Shake your head up and down.
Snap your fingers with us now.
If you can't snap, clap your hands!
Side to side, just do your dance.
Grab your grownup! x 3
Just do your dance and take them by the hand!
Rachel We know you're there grown ups, we can smell you. Not really. But we know you’re there.
Sheneatha And if your mama or your auntie or grandpa or your uncle, are you big brother or sister is washing dishes or something, just turn up the volume on this one! ... Or you can tell them later.
Rachel Here’s our grownup moment for today …. it’s a conversation starter!
Sheneatha Page Flippers, ask your grownup about some of the things they were interested in when they were your age. Can you believe, grandpa used to be six years old? [Laughing] Grandma used to be five!
Rachel Grownups, ask your Page Flippers what jobs they might be interested in right now! And the things they love to do.
Sheneatha If your kid wants to find out more about veterinarians or any other career, a great resource is Career Cruising, which is a database for kids and grownups that you can access through our website.
Rachel Did you know that the book we shared with Jason, Wild Vet Adventures, is an actual picture book that you can check out from your local public library? We’ll put links to that book, plus a list of even more books about animals and veterinarians on our Page Flipper website. Grownups, head to BKLYN Library [dot] org [slash] Page Flippers to learn more.
[Ooh Song instrumental]
Rachel Oh and kids, if you want to join our Ooh Song, ask your grownup to use their smartphone or computer to record you saying something that makes you go “ooh." Like, “I’m really good at riding horses” or … “I like cleaning the bathroom!"
Sheneatha Rachel, no one likes cleaning the bathroom.
Rachel Right, well -- something like that. And then your grown-up can email it to Page Flippers [at] B K L Y N Library [dot] org. That’s it! Page Flippers, see you next week, on our podcast feed … or any time at the library!
[Book chute sound]
Sheneatha That was such a fun Page Flipper meeting!
[walking sounds stop]
Sheneatha We just need to re-shelve a few books, right?
Rachel Right. Shouldn’t take too long.
[Sound of books being put on shelves]
Sheneatha Man, the library is so different at night after we’re closed.
Sheneatha Rachel, was that your stomach growling?
Rachel No…and I’m pretty sure it’s not the hamster either. He already had his dinner of fresh kale and dandelion greens over a bed of organic grains I hand-crushed with the back of my toothbrush.
Sheneatha That is a high level of commitment for pet sitting
[Growling louder]
Sheneatha Oh my gosh! There’s a jaguar in the library!
Rachel Yikes! Um, excuse me Jaguar … How did you get into the library?
Jaguar That’s Ms. Jaguar. And, you left the Whoa Gizmo open.
Rachel Babbling Books! I knew I forgot something …
Sheneatha Ms. Jaguar? I don’t mean to be rude, but the library is closed.
Jaguar Of course. I’m just here for one book.
Rachel Do you have a library card?
Jaguar I have it right here.
Sheneatha [Whispering, to Rachel] She’s right. That is a library card … Maybe we should just give her the book? So she will get out of here?
Rachel [Whispering] Good idea.
Sheneatha Okay, Ms. Jaguar, let me check out a book for you and then you can be on your way. Which one do you want?
Jaguar The one you’re holding looks yummy.
Sheneatha Yummy? Did she just say the book is yummy?
[Sound of chewing, swallowing.]
Rachel Ah!
Sheneatha Oh my goodness!! She did not just eat that book! This is why we don’t let animals in the library.
Rachel You’re going to have to return that book, Ms. Jaguar. It’s for reading, not for eating.
Jaguar But it tasted so good!
Rachel I’ve always thought books needed a bit of salt myself… I’m going in there after it!
Sheneatha Rachel! You can’t just go into a jaguar’s mouth! [Sound of struggling, chewing] Oh, well, you just did.
Jason Hey guys, what’s going on?
Sheneatha Jason, what are you still doing here?
Jason I was trying to check out another book but the library closed!
Sheneatha I’m so glad you’re here. Rachel was just swallowed by a jaguar! I’m going in!
[Sound of swallowing]
Sheneatha [echoey] Hi, Rachel.
Rachel [echoey] Hi, Sheneatha … it looks like we both need help now.
Sheneatha [echoey] It’s true – looks like only Jason can save us now.
Jason Kids take over!
Rachel I can hear him! He’s calling for backup … Page Flippers, are you still there?
Kid voices Kids take over? I guess? Maybe?
Sheneatha [echoey] Page Flippers, we can’t hear you! You’re going to have to be louder than that! You’re strong, let me hear your big voices!
Kid voices Kids take over!
[Sound of glass smashing]
Jason It worked!! Jaguar, freeze, in the name of Page Flipper Jason! Now the jaguar can’t move. I can get some help from the vet.
[Magical call sound]
Dr. Alicia Hello again, Jason!
Jason Hi, doctor ! My friends are in trouble, so can you please help?
Dr. Alicia Oh no! I can try. What do you need?
Jason If there’s something stuck in an animal’s stomach, what would you do?
Dr. Alicia Well, it sounds gross, but I would probably give the animal something to make them throw up …
Jason Oh, that is gross.
Dr. Alicia Yeah. But if it’s your pet that ate something weird, you should take him to the vet first.
Jason Good thing you’re here!
Sheneatha [echoey] Jason! How’s it going?
Jason Great. I know how to save you!
Rachel [echoey] We knew you could do it!!
Dr. Alicia Okay, Miss Jaguar, since you’re basically a big cat, what we do for kitties who eat something they shouldn’t is that we give them the medicine and then we spin them around really fast …
Jaguar Hmm. The vet wants me to spin around in this desk chair? [Squeak] The things I do for the sake of a good book. Okay, here we go... ahh!
[Squeaky desk chair sound, then sound of vomiting, people falling onto the floor]
Kid voices Eww!
Sheneatha We’re alive!
Rachel And here’s the book that the jaguar swallowed in the first place! Someone is going to have to clean it … [Crickets] I’m going to have to clean it.
Sheneatha Page Flipper Jason, you saved the day!
Rachel Yeah, thanks so much, Jason. We really couldn’t have done it without you.
Jason Thanks to Dr. Alicia, too!
Dr. Alicia My pleasure! Now I really do have to go see about that hampster.
[Theme Song starts]
Rachel Once again, our Page Flippers came to the rescue by reading books and asking the right questions!
Sheneatha Page Flippers, there are so many things you’re good at, so many things you can learn, and so many great things you can do!
Rachel and Sheneatha Page Flippers, unite!
Rachel Wait a minute. I think we surprised them. They didn’t say it with us. Let’s say it all together …. all the page flippers listening out there, I’m looking at you!
Rachel Okay, on the count of three we’ll all say, “Page Flippers Unite!”… 1, 2, 3 …
Rachel and Sheneatha Page Flippers unite!!
[Theme song]
Rachel Now let me check this book out for her so Ms. Jaguar can get back in the Woah Gizmo.
[Theme song]
Rachel Page Flippers take on the World is brought to you by Brooklyn Public Library. It’s produced by Virginia Marshall and hosted by me and Rachel Tiemann. Our script is written by Virginia, Rachel, and me!
Sheneatha Original music from Ty Frison and Sheneatha Frison. Maddie Flythe and Meryl Friedman designed our logo. Page Flippers Take on the World is produced with support from PRX and is made possible (in part) by a Ready To Learn grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Rachel Our team of children’s specialists and library professionals include Jessica Ralli, Rachel Payne, Fritzi Bodenheimer, and Kevin Kelley. Kevin Kelley and Yesha Naik were our program magicians for this episode – they created book lists and programs that librarians and teachers can use for kids of all ages. Check that out on our website: BKLYN Library [dot] org [slash] Page Flippers to learn more!
Sheneatha Special thanks to Dr. Alicia Marquart, a real live veterinarian from St. Louis, Missouri! On the episode, Dr. Alicia talked about taking out student loans. Well, scholarships and grants are also available for going to school, and this is free money you don’t have to pay back. We’ve got more information on that on our library website as well.
Rachel Remember Page Flippers, if your pet is sick, you should definitely take them to the vet. But if your cat had something yucky in their tummy, like Ms. Jaguar did, a vet really would give them medicine and maybe spin them around a little to help them throw up! Crazy, right? No animals were harmed in the production of this episode.
Sheneatha Our Jaguar was voiced by Raquel Cion. Kid voices on this episode were Jack and Melina E. Our Star Page Flipper was Jason Buturla.
Rachel See you next week at the next Page Flipper meeting – or wherever you get your podcasts!