Page Flippers Take on the World is designed to encourage a love of reading, increase kids’ confidence and introduce young listeners to the world of work … with lots of great songs and funny jokes, of course!
Episode Transcript
Sheneatha Hey, Rachel.
Rachel [In a British accent] Why hello, Sheneatha!
Sheneatha Why are you wearing a trench coat and moustache in the library?
Rachel [In a British accent] Shh! I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m absolutely not Rachel at all. So strange that you would think that!
Sheneatha Your Brooklyn Public Library ID is around your neck. It says you’re a children’s librarian and your name is Rachel.
Rachel WHO PUT THAT AROUND MY NECK? Perhaps it was when I was busy writing this SUPER SECRET message that I have right here … [Sound of paper unfolding]
Sheneatha A secret message? This paper is blank.
Rachel A-ha! That’s what you think! [whispering] I have written it in white crayon! Take these watercolors here and paint over the letters and viola! A secret message revealed!
Sheneatha Okay ... if you say so ... I’ll paint bit of purple, a splash of blue … wait, I can see the message through the paint! It says ... “Brooklyn Public Library has a new podcast just for kids!" Rachel, this shouldn’t be a secret message. Everyone should know about this!
[Theme music starts up]
Rachel [In normal voice] You’re right! Our new podcast is called Page Flippers Take on the World! And, we are going to be the hosts ...
Sheneatha Plus, a bunch of kids, just like you! We call them our Star Page Flippers.
Jack My name is Jack and I'm eight years old.
Melina My name is Melina and I'm nine years old.
Euna My name is Euna and I'm eight years old and I live in Brooklyn.
Sheneatha In each episode, we find out what the Star Page Flipper is interested in and what they love to do ... we call those "things that make you go ‘ooh.'"
Euna I’m really good at making new friends.
Jack I like to dance, read, and draw.
Rachel And then we recommend books that they might like …
Sheneatha And match them with real live experts working in the field!
Zak I’m an engineer.
Lauren I’m a novelist, and I just wrote a book about being a spy.
Sheneatha Plus, since this is a wacky library show, something kooky always happens and our Star Page Flipper has read the right books and ask the right questions to save the day.
Rachel Like remember when we got stuck in that jaguar’s stomach? She was really quite nice.
Sheneatha How could I forget about that! Good thing Page Flipper Jason was there to save the day ...
Jason Jaguar, freeze in the name of Page Flipper Jason!
[Record scratch]
Sheneatha And remember when Page Flipper Melina helped us crack the secret code?
Melina I’ve got it!
Rachel That was so cool. Well, Page Flippers, there’s so much to look forward to this summer.
Sheneatha You know what we like to say ... we flip pages like a chef flips pancakes!
Rachel You can subscribe to our podcast now. Just search for “Page Flippers” in your podcast app of choice. Plus, if you’re in New York City, you can join us for our launch celebration on the steps of BPL’s Central Library on June 4th! More info about that on our website. BKLYN Library [dot] org [slash] page flippers.
Sheneatha We can’t wait to see you there!
Rachel and Sheneatha Page Flippers Unite!