Homework Help

Need homework help? We can help!

If your child is in grades 1 through 8, a trained volunteer can help with your child's homework!

Volunteers will be on hand to:
  • Assist children one-on-one and in small groups with assignments in math, science, social studies, and other topics, providing direction, clarity, and understanding.
  • Instruct children in the use of directories, indexes, and other reference materials.
  • Encourage the development of math skills through the use of Web-based technology.
Become an After-School Homework Helper

Complete an Online Application.

Get Started


Are you 17 years or older and looking to earn your High School Equivalency Diploma? We can help!

Our Adult Learning Centers administer HSE screenings, absolutely FREE! To schedule your HSE Screening, visit bklynlib.org/HSE.