Volunteer Application and Code of Conduct

* indicates required field

Volunteers under 18 years must obtain a parent/guardian consent.
(You must be at least age 12 to volunteer)

Are you over 18 years old?
Are you a student?

For each day, indicate times you are available to complete a two or three hour shift:

Do you know how to use a computer?
Are you familiar with:
Education: Indicate the highest grade completed:
Please check the volunteer assignments that interest you:
Have you ever worked in a paid or volunteer position at a library?
Please Provide a Personal or Professional Reference.
Reference Options

Code of Conduct for BPL Volunteers

Thank you for your cooperation in respecting the following important guidelines:

  1. As a volunteer, your role and responsibilities in the library are unique.
    1. Understand that your role is a supportive one. Library employees oversee all library programs and supervise volunteer activities. You should not be left in charge of a section in the library.
    2. Remember BPL volunteers are only permitted to work with customers on library property and under the supervision of library staff.
    3. Maintain confidentiality of all proprietary or privileged information to which you are exposed while serving as a volunteer, whether this information involves a single employee, volunteer, customer or involves overall BPL business.
    4. Use good judgment and avoid any compromising situations: work in an area with other people at all times, especially when working with children.
    5. Speak on behalf of BPL in a public forum only if specifically authorized to so by BPL.
    6. Follow BPL policies and guidelines. These policies include, but are not limited to, Volunteer Policy Manual (Public #7), Custodianship of Library Materials Policy (Organization #12), Anti-Harassment Policy (HR #08), Dress Code Policy (HR #09), Drug and Alcohol Policy (HR #21), and Workplace Violence Policy (HR #24).
  2. Take Pride in Being Professional.
    1. Maintain a constructive attitude, high standards of ethical conduct and integrity, and avoid the appearance of or actual conflicts of interest.
    2. Be prompt and consistent in your attendance. Librarians depend on volunteers and plan their work accordingly. Customers depend on volunteers even more.
    3. Notify your library supervisor as soon as possible if you must be late, or absent.
    4. Keep an accurate record of your attendance by signing in and out each day you volunteer.
    5. Establish and maintain good and frequent communication with your library supervisor.
    6. Present a good image to library customers. Volunteers shall dress appropriately for the performance of their duties and in accordance with the Dress Code Policy.
    7. Do not lend money, contribute or solicit money for outside organizations while you are on library property.
  3. Health and Safety Are Always Important.
    1. Alert staff immediately if anyone has an accident while working with you.
    2. Refer any customer in need of first aid or any type of medication to BPL staff.
    3. Notify staff of any accident you have on library property.
    4. Ask BPL staff for assistance with problematic behavior.

BPL policies and guidelines are available for volunteers upon request.
BPL reserves the right to discontinue your volunteer service at anytime for whatever reason.

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