eBooks & Audiobooks

BPL offers over 500,000 books, magazines, audiobooks and more on your phone, tablet or computer, all free with your library card.

Use your favorite library eBook and Audiobook apps
Use your favorite library eBook and Audiobook apps

You can access the collection on a mobile device or computer with one of BPL's eReader services.

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Search the catalog for books you’ll love

Find out if the book you’re looking for is available in a format that works for you.

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Frequently asked questions

How many titles can I check out?

You can borrow up to 20 downloadable titles, and place up to 10 holds at a time. You may choose your default lending periods under your account settings, from 7 days to 21 days. Checkouts automatically expire at the end of the loan period. No need to return (although returning early may may be appreciated by another patron waiting for that title!)

I have both an Welcome Card and a full-access library card, with holds on both accounts. How can I combine the two cards while making sure my holds are transferred to the new account?

Please Contact Us for assistance merging your accounts and for support keeping your holds in place.

Get a Library Card

Brooklyn Public Library's card is free for anyone who lives, works, pays property taxes or goes to school in New York state. Sign up today to access books, classes, programs and materials!


Our librarians understand the power of matching the perfect book with the right reader. Fill out a short form and receive a customized list of recommendations. Happy reading!

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