Interested in finding what do you like to do?
Christina Branch Manager/Mill BasinBranch Manager/Mill Basin
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. Steve Jobs, Former Apple CEO I worked in my neighborhood library when I was 17 (late ‘80s) and I loved it! I learned how to research for my school reports, and I was able to show other kids how to do their own research. I felt like I was being helpful, and I did something valuable. I loved it so much I wanted to become a librarian, so I looked it up in the OOH. The Occupational…
Finding your Passion (your Spark, or Joy, or whatever you want to call it)
Christina Branch Manager/Mill BasinBranch Manager/Mill Basin
Christina Armieri December 29, 2020 My Passion is discovering things (research). Discovering information about other people, other cultures, different ways of thinking, or just new things to study. I found that I love being a librarian by working in my neighborhood library as a teenager. I learned the Dewey Decimal system (pre-electronic catalog) and it made writing my papers so much easier. I discovered I enjoyed helping others with their papers and schoolwork. I started seeing how school,…
Holiday Hopes & New Year Beginnings
Christina Branch Manager/Mill BasinBranch Manager/Mill Basin
I like the winter holidays. Many multicultural celebrations are meant to purge the misfortunes and mistakes of the old year and to have hope and goodwill for the new year. The winter holidays can be a time of contemplation, to re-center yourself, and to strengthen your beliefs and goals. You can look back on the past year, determine what things that were favorable or unfavorable to you, and decide what you are going to do differently in the new year. Whether you are symbolically casting off the sins of the previous year by tossing pieces of bread, food, or stones into a…