POTW: Opening the Pocket Doors: Say Cheese!


group standing underneath a painting
Brooklyn Historical Society Staff Party, circa 1990. Brooklyn photograph and illustration collection. Brooklyn Public Library, Center for Brooklyn History.

Is it even a holiday if you didn't all get together for a big, awkward group photo? While we don’t have all the details behind this particular group photo of a staff party for the Brooklyn Historical Society, we know that director, David Kahn, is pictured on the far right with fellow staff members around 1990. And we can definitely relate to everyone being told to “squeeze together!” or the classic, “say cheese!” Of course, there’s also always everyone’s favorite, "now how about a silly one?” 

Happy Holidays from the Center for Brooklyn History!  

Do you have any further details about this BHS staff photo? We’d love to hear from you! Please let us know in the comments below. 

The Brooklyn Historical Society Institutional Archive Project is generously funded by the Leon Levy Foundation. 


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


Fabiana Chiu

I am stand on the far left of this picture. If you can show me the caco of the photo, I may b able to further identify it. I took many of the photos from these years with a timer and tripod, can’t remember if it’s one of mine. I May also have the staff list for this year.
Tue, Dec 26 2023 4:40 pm Permalink
Dwan Reece

Ca. 1992/93. In the first row on the left is Curator of Education Fabiana Chiu-Rinaldi, I'm standing behind her on her left in the pink sweater. Laura Miller is in the front middle wearing the gold dress. Dan Barron , Curator of Collections is the tall man in back row. Librarian Irene Tichenor is behind David Kahn on his right. Unfortunately I don't remember everyone's name or last name. Thanks for posting. Dwandalyn Reece BHS Chief Curator, 1992-1995
Tue, Dec 26 2023 5:57 pm Permalink
Irene Tichenor

Yes, I (head librarian) am standing to David's right and slightly behind him. Between us you can see Roger Mohovich, cataloger. Standing to my right (black/white dress) is Clara Lamers, reference librarian.
Tue, Jan 2 2024 2:43 am Permalink

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