BKLYN Kids Presents: National Library Week 2022


This week we celebrate National Library Week! National Library Week runs from April 3-9 this year, and it's a special time when we recognize libraries, library workers, and all they do for us and our communities every day. 

The theme for this year's National Library Week is "Connect With Your Library," which promotes libraries as places where people can connect. 

What are some of the ways libraries can help us connect? 

When we consider what connecting means in this digital age, we might think of internet access. Libraries help us connect by providing access to computers, internet, and other technology not everyone might have at home. This makes it possible for us to do research, collaborate on projects, attend virtual classes, and so much more!  

But connecting can also be as simple as sharing ideas. Libraries offer so many books, programs, classes, and other resources which help us learn about topics we're interested in, and also about each other (especially important here in multicultural Brooklyn). They're awesome places where communities can connect with each other. 

In what ways has a library branch or library worker positively affected your life? How has your local library helped you or someone you know "connect"? 

Please join Brooklyn Public Library in celebrating National Library Week by visiting your local library, showing your appreciation for library workers, or just telling other people how much you love the library! 

To learn more about National Library Week, please visit https://ilovelibraries.org/national-library-week/ 

Library Week is also a great time to send birthday greetings to Brooklyn Public Library, which turned 125 this year! https://www.bklynlibrary.org/125/birthday-wishes


This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


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