POTW: Winter is coming...

Dan Brenner

John D. Morrell, [View of waterfront, taken from Esplanade], February 5, 1961, Chromogenic color print, v1974.9.140; Brooklyn Historical Society.

Even though winter doesn’t officially arrive until December 21, it sure feels like it has already invaded Brooklyn! We are bracing ourselves for the inevitable drop in temperature and the dreadful wintry mix— two words put together that nobody wants to hear. It is especially chilly down on the waterfront, as shown above. This image by John D. Morrell shows a view of the waterfront taken from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade in the year 1961. I can almost feel the cold winds blowing off the East River in Morrell’s photograph. They may lead me to hibernate in my apartment until the arrival of spring.

This image comes from the John D. Morrell photographs (ARC.005). For more information please see our finding aid here and for more photographs from this collection please visit our image gallery here.

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