You are YOU-nique!


Sometimes creating your own path or doing things your own way is difficult but it is ultimately rewarding. These picture books caught my eye not only because they are fun and quirky, but they also inspire individuality and encourage kids to embrace their differences. All make for great read-alouds and are suitable for kids from pre-K to about first grade.

More and more inclusive, diverse and mindful books are being written for children these days. Most of the books on this list are fairly recent publications. For more suggestions, check out these other lists by Brooklyn Public Library librarians:


Froodle Book Jacket

Froodle by Antoinette Portis

Birds usually have a very limited vocabulary, “cheep-cheep”, “caw”, “tweet”, “chirp”, etc. One day, a little brown bird decides to sing a different song. At first the other birds are hesitant to join her but, ultimately, they do. All except, a big black crow who looks down his beak at all the frivolity. Will the other birds be able to win Crow over? Full of ridiculous, made-up words, this book does silly right!

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It's Okay To Be Different Book Jacket

It’s Okay To Be Different by Todd Parr

Todd Parr’s signature illustration style lends itself to this specific topic particularly well. Using all the colors of the rainbow, the pictures are inclusive, giving the reader the impression that they could be any of the characters portrayed on the pages. This book breaks down a complicated topic very simply. While we are all different we may also share similar experiences that unite us.

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MIxed Me Book Jacket

Mixed Me by Taye Diggs

“Mixed-Up Mike” is an effervescent young boy, constantly on the move, doing his own thing. He is creative and confident with a vibrant personality. While other people may question him and who he is, Mike knows that he is loved and that he is “just right”. The text is fun and zippy like Mike himself. Diggs was inspired to write this book for his own son and other multiracial children.

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Mr. Tiger Goes Wild Book Jacket

Mr. Tiger Goes Wild by Peter Brown

Mr. Tiger wears a top hat, tuxedo and tails. He lives in a big city with other similarly attired animals. Overall, he is a very dapper tiger, but deep down he knows this is not his true nature. One day, he decides to go wild! Mr. Tiger feels better when he is wild but how will his fellow animals, friends and neighbors, react to this change?

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My Cousin Momo Book Jacket

My Cousin Momo by Zachariah OHora

Cousin Momo is a giant flying squirrel who goes to visit his non-flying squirrel cousins. (He also happens to look a lot like Luke Wilson’s character from The Royal Tenenbaums.) At first, his cousins are excited for Momo to come until it becomes clear that Momo can’t seem to do anything “normally”. He can’t even play hide and seek properly! Momo is just different. Will his cousins finally accept him and realize there is more than one way to do things? This book is funny and heartwarming and simply the best!

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This blog post reflects the opinions of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of Brooklyn Public Library.


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