POTW: It’s November!

Julie May

November, 1898, v1986.1.7; Dwight B. Demeritt, Jr. collection of 19th century photographs, v1986.001; Brooklyn Historical Society. November, 1898, v1986.1.7; Dwight B. Demeritt, Jr. collection of 19th century photographs, v1986.001; Brooklyn Historical Society.

The subject of this week’s Photo of the Week  may be identifiable by some as Prospect Park.  For others who may not live in New York City, allow me to tell you that it’s getting cold out there -- especially cruising through the park on a bicycle.  I’ll just say it: it’s downright bitterly cold.  As much as I cherish the change of seasons, I think this photograph, entitled “November,” accurately portrays this week’s weather– a bit low contrast and bare.  Once the leaves have been cleared away by the Parks Department, this is what we will see in Prospect Park, and it’s not as comforting as the park in the summer with its blanket of sun-drenched grass.  I don’t mean to sound negative.  I’m really looking forward to the change of season . . . I’m just not ready.

This photograph comes from a lovely little collection of 14 photographs depicting various landscapes, some with handwritten captions like this one.  When these photographs were taken in late 1897 and 1898, the decision for Brooklyn to consolidate with New York City had already been made. These photographs seems a bit nostalgic in retrospect.

Interested in seeing more photos from BHS’s collection? Visit our online image gallery, which includes a selection of our images. Interested in seeing even more historic Brooklyn images? Visit our new website here.  To search BHS’s entire collection of images, archives, maps, and special collections visit BHS’s Othmer Library Wed-Fri, 1:00-5:00 p.m.


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