Fred Wilson: Mining History to Create Remembrance  

Introduction to the Curriculum:

The Center for Brooklyn History education department invited Fred Wilson to talk with a group of teens about his career and philosophies as an artist. The curriculum below uses the discussion to help students think about how to use art to explore history. Each section of the curriculum can be done independently of the others, and centers around themes that Fred Wilson explores in his work.


Our hope with this curriculum is to inspire students to create artistic pieces that commemorate a specific time, theme, and/or story of Brooklyn’s diverse past, or the area where they live. This curriculum can be adapted to work with the history of all areas.

About This Curriculum: 

It is divided into the following sections, and can be taught chronologically or out of order.

Suggested Teaching Tools for Online Learning

We suggest using Padlet and Jamboard as interactive online learning tools with this curriculum. You can add the links to Padlet and have students write comments about each of the sources. With Jamboard, placing one of the primary sources on the board and/or having students listen to an oral history or watch one of the contextual videos enables them to write their thoughts on virtual post-it notes.

A special thank you to Mr. Fred Wilson for allowing us to record his talk with teens, and use his work to teach students how to create rememberance. Thank you to More Art for working with us to bring life to this curriculum. Also, thank you to Julia Maranto for creating this curriculum with advisors Dan Meharg and Emily Connuck. Mr. Jules David Bartkowski thank you for your mad skills with videography and editing. Thank you.


Fred Wilson's Manacles, A Talk with Teens About HIs Work

Terms Sheet 

Keywords and Concepts



Special thanks to Mr. Fred Wilson and More Art. Additional thanks to Art Institute students from Edward R. Murrow High School and teen interns from Museum of Art and Design.

Fred Wilson: Mining History to Create Remembrance  was written and created by Shirley Brown Alleyne, Julia Maranto, Emily Connuck and Dan Meharg in collaboration with Mr. Fred Wilson and More Art.

Fred Wilson: Mining History to Create Remembrance Curriculum Development Team

Artist, Educator, Curator: Fred Wilson

Project Manager and Co-Curriculum writer: Shirley Brown Alleyne

Co-curriculum Writer/Advisor: Julia Maranto

Advisor: Dan Meharg

Advisor: Emily Connuck

Videographer/Editor: Jules David Bartkowski

Former Education Coordinator: Charles Rudoy


Center for Brooklyn History Staff

Director: Heather Malin

Assistant Director, Collections and Public Service: Natiba Guy-Clement

Chief Historian: Dominique Jean-Louis

Manager of Education: Shirley Brown Alleyne

CBH Educator & Internship Coordinator: Julia Palaez

CBH Educator & NYCHD Co-Coordinator: Nathaniel Weisberg

CBH Educator & NYCHD Co-Coordinator: Sonya Ochshorn

Director of Public Programs: Marcia Ely

Special Collections Cataloguer: Deborah Tint