Virtual Storytime in English and Tibetan

Tue, Jul 14 2020
7:00 am – 7:30 am

multilingual storytime storytime summer reading Virtual Programming

**While our in-person events are on hold, we are offering virtual programming via Facebook Live broadcasts from our branches!**   

Join us for virtual storytime with books, songs, and tips for your child to acquire early literacy, fine motor, and language developmental skills. 

This program will stream live on the Brooklyn Public Library Family Facebook page.  

Add to My Calendar 07/14/2020 07:00 am 07/14/2020 07:30 am America/New_York Virtual Storytime in English and Tibetan <p>**While our in-person events are on hold, we are offering virtual&nbsp;programming via Facebook Live broadcasts from our branches!**&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Join us for virtual storytime with books, songs, and tips for your child to acquire&nbsp;early literacy, fine motor, and language developmental skills.&nbsp;</p> <p>This program will stream live on the <a href="" target="_blank">Brooklyn Public Library Family Facebook</a> page.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Brooklyn Public Library - Virtual MM/DD/YYYY 60