Tech Help for your Job Search

Mon, Dec 12 2022
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Central Library, Business & Career Center

career computer basics resume

Stop by to get answers to your tech questions and build your computer skills in:

  • Formatting & uploading resumes 
  • Formatting & uploading cover letters
  • Navigating job application websites
  • Filling out job applications

This is an open lab for seeking technical help in a small-group setting. Laptops will be available for you to use during this session. 

Our staff offer guidance on resumes and cover letters but do not write or type these documents for patrons. Assistance is first come, first served.

For more information call 718.230.2100, email, or go to

10 Grand Army Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11238 Get Directions
Add to My Calendar 12/12/2022 03:00 pm 12/12/2022 05:00 pm America/New_York Tech Help for your Job Search <p>Stop by to get answers to your tech questions and build your computer skills in:</p> <ul> <li>Formatting &amp; uploading resumes&nbsp;</li> <li>Formatting &amp; uploading cover letters</li> <li>Navigating job application websites</li> <li>Filling out job applications</li> </ul> <p>This is an open lab for seeking technical help in a small-group setting. Laptops will be available for you to use during this session.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Our staff offer guidance on resumes and cover letters but&nbsp;do not write or type these documents for patrons. Assistance is first come, first served.</strong></p> <p>For more information call 718.230.2100, email, or go to</p> Brooklyn Public Library - Central Library, Business & Career Center MM/DD/YYYY 60