Mac O.S Basics

Tue, Dec 7 2021
10:00 am – 11:00 am

adult learning email

Do you have a macOS and want to learn how to use the dock, work with files and folders, understand user accounts and more? Please join us for a zoom session on MacOS Basics

This lesson will cover:

All about macOS: navigating and using macOS operating system

Working with and finding files in macOS

Performing common task task in macOS

Adjusting your macOS settings

Add to My Calendar 12/07/2021 10:00 am 12/07/2021 11:00 am America/New_York Mac O.S Basics

Do you have a macOS and want to learn how to use the dock, work with files and folders, understand user accounts and more? Please join us for a zoom session on MacOS Basics

This lesson will cover:

All about macOS: navigating and using macOS operating system

Working with and finding files in macOS

Performing common task task in macOS

Adjusting your macOS settings

Brooklyn Public Library - Virtual MM/DD/YYYY 60

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