Homework Help on Discord

Wed, Dec 1 2021
11:00 am – 12:00 pm

homework help Virtual Programming

You MUST have discord downloaded to your device and an account created. It is free! This Discord server is for grades 6-12.

Basic homework help for grades 6-12. The admins and mods are willing to assist with homework, if they can. You can ask other teens for help in a course as well. The librarian is willing to teach courses on how to research online databases properly. If you are already in the server, you do not need to register again just show up!!

Add to My Calendar 12/01/2021 11:00 am 12/01/2021 12:00 pm America/New_York Homework Help on Discord

You MUST have discord downloaded to your device and an account created. It is free! This Discord server is for grades 6-12.

Basic homework help for grades 6-12. The admins and mods are willing to assist with homework, if they can. You can ask other teens for help in a course as well. The librarian is willing to teach courses on how to research online databases properly. If you are already in the server, you do not need to register again just show up!!

Brooklyn Public Library - Virtual MM/DD/YYYY 60