Book Discussion/Author Event: Sourdough by Robin Sloan / Author Q&A

Thu, Aug 20 2020
3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

author talks book club book discussion Virtual Programming

The March 2020 installment of the BKLYN Discussions series was, like so many events in our lives, rudely obstructed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike so many events in our lives, we have an opportunity for a do-over, perhaps even an improvement. Back in March, even before sourdough became a staple of your Instagram content feed, we selected Sourdough by Robin Sloan. The novel has become ever more relevant over the past five months, which only goes to show how wise we were. And for an unbelievably special treat, we will be joined mid-way through the discussion by Robin Sloan for a Q&A.

The novel features a possibly-sentient sourdough starter as a key supporting character—perhaps the first novel in the English language to hold that distinction—and tracks the misadventures of Lois Clary, a talented young programmer from Michigan who follows a job to California, only to be drawn into the weird world of food that waits there. And why does she leave friends, family and the comforts of home behind for a life of high rents and work obsession? "Here's a thing I believe about people my age," she says, "we are the children of Hogwarts, and more than anything, we just want to be sorted."

Join us as to discuss this novel about work and eating, robots and microbes, independence and ambition, that somehow manages to keep its sweetness while satirizing the excesses of SF's tech industry and food culture alike, offering deft insights the forces shaping our world along the way.

You can still reserve your copy in book, ebook or e-audiobook form. You may also contact me directly for more information about this event series (

As always, if you are interested in hearing more information about the BKLYN Discussions series, add your address to the email list to receive two emails a month (pre- and post-discussion).

Add to My Calendar 08/20/2020 03:00 pm 08/20/2020 04:30 pm America/New_York Book Discussion/Author Event: Sourdough by Robin Sloan / Author Q&A

The March 2020 installment of the BKLYN Discussions series was, like so many events in our lives, rudely obstructed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike so many events in our lives, we have an opportunity for a do-over, perhaps even an improvement. Back in March, even before sourdough became a staple of your Instagram content feed, we selected Sourdough by Robin Sloan. The novel has become ever more relevant over the past five months, which only goes to show how wise we were. And for an unbelievably special treat, we will be joined mid-way through the discussion by Robin Sloan for a Q&A.

The novel features a possibly-sentient sourdough starter as a key supporting character—perhaps the first novel in the English language to hold that distinction—and tracks the misadventures of Lois Clary, a talented young programmer from Michigan who follows a job to California, only to be drawn into the weird world of food that waits there. And why does she leave friends, family and the comforts of home behind for a life of high rents and work obsession? "Here's a thing I believe about people my age," she says, "we are the children of Hogwarts, and more than anything, we just want to be sorted."

Join us as to discuss this novel about work and eating, robots and microbes, independence and ambition, that somehow manages to keep its sweetness while satirizing the excesses of SF's tech industry and food culture alike, offering deft insights the forces shaping our world along the way.

You can still reserve your copy in book, ebook or e-audiobook form. You may also contact me directly for more information about this event series (

As always, if you are interested in hearing more information about the BKLYN Discussions series, add your address to the email list to receive two emails a month (pre- and post-discussion).

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