NoteTitle supplied by cataloger. Digitized documents donated by Ted Beyda on 2022, March 21. Collected through the Brooklyn Collection Jewish History Project of Brooklyn Public Library. This project is funded by the David Berg Foundation.
SubjectJews--United States ; Public schools--New York (State)--New York ; School reports ; Grading and marking (Students)
RightsThis work is covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license. Users are free to share and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes as long as appropriate credit is given to the source and new material created with this work is shared under the same conditions.
TitleYousef Beyda family collection. Student grade card.
Biographical NoteYousef Beyda was born in 1860 in Aleppo, Syria. He travelled with his brother Jacob from Aleppo in 1900 to settle in America. In 1902 his wife Nizha Blanco (1872-) and four children: Rahamim (Raymond, b. 1889), Rose (b. 1893), Abraham (b. 1894) and Rena (b. 1899) joined him. The youngest child, David, was born in New York City in 1903. After living a few years on the Lower East Side, Yousef's family settled in Bensonhurst, then moved to Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn. Ted Beyda is the great-grandson of Yousef.