Summary(0:50) Coordinates emergency response for NYC -- (1:58) Documenting timeline of pandemic -- (2:50) Works outside home -- (3:40) Worries about possible second wave of virus -- (4:44) Hopes virus increases respect for all workers -- (7:00) Works with Bay Ridge non-profit, donates masks to children’s shelter -- (8:00) Saw the pandemic coming, but officials unwilling to make hard decisions -- (9:10) Bay Ridge: older population, people helping neighbors -- (10:40) Mix of behaviors: people staying home, others out, not social distancing -- (11:20) Asymptomatic spread to vulnerable people -- (12:40) Isolation makes pandemic different from previous disasters: 9/11, Super storm Sandy -- (13:50) Mask hides smiles, life is different -- (15:30) Focus on statistics, not people – (17:21) Raised in Long Island -- (18:10) Recently on maternity leave, feared another disaster -- (19:16) Telling child about pandemic when older -- (20:50) Interviewer outlines scope of Covid-19 Oral History Project.
NoteAudio interview conducted on April 23, 2020, by Fritzi Bodenheimer. Collected for the Covid-19 Oral History Project through Our Streets, Our Stories, an oral history project of Brooklyn Public Library. This project is a partnership with Services for Older Adults and the Brooklyn Collection.
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TitleOral history interview with Amanda Hayde on 2020 April 23.