Summary(1:18) Calling from Bushwick -- (2:53) Applied for unemployment in March, still waiting -- (3:19) Fiancé owns Williamsburg Pizza; pizzerias doing well during COVID -- (3:50) Pizzeria operations during COVID -- (6:03) Pizza queen & champion -- (8:15) Met fiancé at International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas. Wedding planned for April 2020 Expo, canceled due to COVID -- (9:47) Shealyn is pizza judge at competitions, many now canceled -- (10:47) Pizza-themed wedding rescheduled for fall -- (16:17) “Women in Pizza” movement -- (27:21) Remote acting auditions -- (31:43) Airline travel -- (33:40) Gives away homemade pizza monthly to neighbors -- (38:10) Misses going to bars, orders to-go cocktails -- (42:15) Quarantine birthday -- (42:42) Hopes for future.
NoteAudio interview conducted on May 12, 2020, by Julia DeAngelo. Collected for the Covid-19 Oral History Project through Our Streets, Our Stories, an oral history project of Brooklyn Public Library. This project is a partnership with Services for Older Adults and the Brooklyn Collection.
RightsThis work is covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license. Users are free to share and adapt the work for non-commercial purposes as long as appropriate credit is given to the source and new material created with this work is shared under the same conditions.
TitleOral history interview with Shealyn Brand conducted on 2020 May 12.