University Open Air: Six roles to innovate wherever you are: communicator, philosopher, activator, designer, connector and digital

Thu, Sep 21 2023
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Prospect Park Boathouse

BPL Outdoors BPL Presents humanities and art social sciences University Open Air

There is a source code that can explain why some organizations innovate and others do not. Governments, Universities, Libraries, Foundations or NGOs... are all entities composed of ideas, people, relationships and objectives. They are ecosystems and in all ecosystems that innovate, six universal vectors can be identified: open, mix, agile, prototype, collaborate and digitize.

Closed organization charts, hierarchical staffs, hyper-specialized professional profiles, must move towards a new model of professionals and teams based on soft skills and other transversal skills: emotional intelligence, critical thinking, problem solving or teamwork... these are the skills that algorithms will never be able to overcome.

What is your role, are you a communicator-philosopher or perhaps a digital-activator? Or maybe you are like Leonardo Da Vinci or Hypatia and fulfill all six roles at the same time?

What is clear is that whatever you are, and whatever job you have, the six roles of the hexagonal innovation model will be useful to you and will change the way you think of yourself as a change agent in your organization.

Raul Olivan has been transforming organizations into collaborative ecosystems, teams into innovation labs and professionals into agents of change for two decades.

Olivan works at the intersection of public, private and social, creating networks that assemble the local and the global. His background is interdisciplinary (philosophy, futures design, strategic planning, social work, communication...), all to design new methodologies and tools that allow us to face complex challenges such as climate change, the rise of populism, the digital divide or structural inequality.

He has designed and directed projects such as LAAAB, Zaragoza Activa, Frena la Curva, Visual GOB, Gobierno Fácil, Social Impact Academic, ThinkZAC Laboratory, Made in Zaragoza, La Colaboradora, Hola, Cocina LAB, Semillero de Ideas or Open Kids, among many others.

Olivan crystallized all his experience in the Hexagonal Innovation Model (HIP) that synthesizes innovation in six vectors: open, mix, agile, prototype, collaborate and digitize.

After 20 years as a civil servant, Olivan now advises governments and organizations around the world to adapt to the tsunami of complexity. He helps them align their purpose towards a new social contract, inspired by an exciting future that leaves no one behind.

*In cases of rain, classes will be either moved to the Prospect Park Boathouse or canceled. Registered patrons will be notified by email on the morning of each course day and are also encouraged to check the UOA webpage and BPL Presents’ Facebook and Twitter pages for updates.

University Open Air is generously supported by The Morris & Alma Schapiro Fund.

Prospect Park Boathouse
101 East Drive
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Add to My Calendar 09/21/2023 01:00 pm 09/21/2023 02:00 pm America/New_York University Open Air: Six roles to innovate wherever you are: communicator, philosopher, activator, designer, connector and digital

There is a source code that can explain why some organizations innovate and others do not. Governments, Universities, Libraries, Foundations or NGOs... are all entities composed of ideas, people, relationships and objectives. They are ecosystems and in all ecosystems that innovate, six universal vectors can be identified: open, mix, agile, prototype, collaborate and digitize.

Closed organization charts, hierarchical staffs, hyper-specialized professional profiles, must move towards a new model of professionals and teams based on soft skills and other transversal skills: emotional intelligence, critical thinking, problem solving or teamwork... these are the skills that algorithms will never be able to overcome.

What is your role, are you a communicator-philosopher or perhaps a digital-activator? Or maybe you are like Leonardo Da Vinci or Hypatia and fulfill all six roles at the same time?

What is clear is that whatever you are, and whatever job you have, the six roles of the hexagonal innovation model will be useful to you and will change the way you think of yourself as a change agent in your organization.

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