University Open Air: Improving Relationships with Yourself and Others Using Human Design

Sat, Sep 23 2023
10:00 am – 11:00 am
Prospect Park Boathouse

BPL Outdoors BPL Presents humanities and art University Open Air

This masterclass introduces the transformative concept of Human Design to enhance relationships. Participants learn about the five energy types, communication strategies for each type, and applying Human Design insights in various relationships, including personal and professional settings. This class empowers individuals to understand themselves and others on a deeper level, leading to more harmonious and productive connections.

Liuba Kostanda is a guide in Subconscious Empowerment, an Emotional Intelligence mentor, an experienced Meditation and Breathwork Trainer, a skilled Memory Regression Therapist, and an Energy Healer. With a strong commitment to understanding and balancing the subconscious mind and the subtle energy systems that shape our bodies, minds, and surroundings, Liuba's expertise fosters personal growth and overall well-being.

Liuba began her journey in this field over three years ago, during which she has not only advanced professionally but also undergone a transformative personal journey, absorbing wisdom from highly respected mentors across the globe. Her mastery spans various cultures, enriched by a decade of living in countries such as Ukraine, China, Mexico, Bangladesh, and the USA.

Liuba's diverse scientific educational background includes 2 Master's degrees in Applied Physics and Chinese language & culture, which bring a multifaceted perspective to her holistic approach. Using her unique combination of innate gifts, knowledge, and life experiences allows her to serve individuals who truly desire meaningful transformation.

*In cases of rain, classes will be either moved to the Prospect Park Boathouse or canceled. Registered patrons will be notified by email on the morning of each course day and are also encouraged to check the UOA webpage and BPL Presents’ Facebook and Twitter pages for updates.

University Open Air is generously supported by The Morris & Alma Schapiro Fund.

Prospect Park Boathouse
101 East Drive
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Add to My Calendar 09/23/2023 10:00 am 09/23/2023 11:00 am America/New_York University Open Air: Improving Relationships with Yourself and Others Using Human Design

This masterclass introduces the transformative concept of Human Design to enhance relationships. Participants learn about the five energy types, communication strategies for each type, and applying Human Design insights in various relationships, including personal and professional settings. This class empowers individuals to understand themselves and others on a deeper level, leading to more harmonious and productive connections.

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