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letter by James Vanderhoef, May 10, 1861
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Letter by James W. Vanderhoef, May 10, 1861

Transcription of letter written by James W. Vanderhoef, from Williamsburgh, Brooklyn, who fought in the Union Army from 1861 through 1865. Please note spelling variations and errors are his.

"Our Bonny Flag
Co H 71st Regt
Washington Navy Yard
May 10th, 61

Dear Brother & Sister
With feelings of unspeakable pleasure I received your letter this evening and I am happy to hear that you are all well which these few lines leaves me. thank God for it. we have but very few sick considering all we have passed through to get here. Dear sister I am very much surprised to hear of Michael Betrines having left home, and I shall try to see him as soon as they arrive in this city. We have received the news of Eugene Bartings sward presantation some few days agoe, we have the Williamsburgh daily times sent to us regularly so when any thing hapens in the Burgh we soon hear of it. I am a thousand times oblidged to Mrs & Miss Courcy? And you will please remember me kindly to them. Dear sister in reguard to that affair of Father's I am perfactly free and I have not seen the first sighn of any thing. I am now fully equipped and ready for a moments notice to march on our Enimes if they should make their appearence but it seames they are very slow doing so, the Regiment was revied by the presidant last Evening and Mr Seward, you will hear of it to morrow in the papers I expect. Dear Sister I have a chance to send these few lines to you by a member of our company so you must excuse bad riting and spelling as I am in a sweat to get it off and know you will be sure to get it safe. I am happy to hear of you having moved in the house with Mr Flinn you will please give him my best respects and to all the company through him. I am very glad to hear of little Butty's walking again and I hope to God you will soon be able to say the same thing of little Olive, Bless her little heart, I think can see her little face now. I am happy to hear that Mother, Caroline and her family is all well. I have rote to Cad some three days ago I expected a letter from her to day. Tell her if she don't rite I will give her fitts when I see her. you did not speak of Henry I hope he is doing what is right and still in work and for Godsake don't let him take the Washington feaver too, I received and answered a letter from Jane yesterday. Alexander has been Baptised they where all well, Dear sister our provisions are course soldiers. But such as it is it is good and holesom such a old Scott thinks will make us fight like trumps. Dear Sister I must now bring this to a close by again requesting you to remember me to Mrs and Miss Courcy. As also my love to John & Isabella McCord tell them I have not gorgoten them if I did not call on them before I left it was for want of time, but they shall be among the first of my visits on my arrivel home again. Kiss the children and tell them I will soon be home a gain. May God Bless and protect you all is the humble prayer of your

Brother & Friend until Death
James W. Vanderhoef
Co. H 71st Regt

P.S. let me know in your next if you have heard from William since you rote, and if Guillan is in work & how you manage to get along, there I think I have asked a enough of you so I will cork up by Biding you and yours a good and happy nights rest
Yours &tc
Rite as soon as you receive this I will anxiously await an answer."

Read more about the "71st Infantry Regiment, Civil War: Second Regiment Excelsior, or Sickles', Brigade; Jackson Light Regiment"

Citation - Document 23
Letters of Captain James W. Vanderhoef
May 10, 1861
Brooklyn Public Library – Brooklyn Collection

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