Brooklyn Public Library, Center for Brooklyn History.
Atlases (1855–1929)
Our Historic Atlas collection serves a multitude of purposes and is particularly helpful when trying to determine the age of a building. The atlases are also helpful in determining addresses, many of which changed circa 1871–72. The bulk of the atlases are bound fire insurance maps, which show Brooklyn block by block. As the atlases advance chronologically, they also advance in technical sophistication. Depending on the level of detail, atlases can include information such as the material content of buildings, houses and block numbers, content and condition of pavement, street status and usability, locations of sewers and water mains, locations of subway and rail lines, ward division lines, early 19th century farm boundaries and landowners, and locations of churches, schools, and factories. An index of the atlas collection, including years, surveyors and neighborhoods, is available here.
With a BPL library card, you can also access FIMO—the Fire Insurance Maps Online database. You can search the maps by address, or browse by area and date. A tutorial is available here.
You can also access many digitized insurance atlases from New York Public Library's Digital Collections here and Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps from the Library of Congress here.
The following booklists highlight a number of titles in our collection that relate to popular house and building research topics:
- Architectural Elements of Historical Buildings
- Historical Interior Design
- House and Building Research
- Neighborhood Guides and Histories
Because these lists are not comprehensive, researchers are encouraged to browse the catalog for additional titles. As the book collection is non-circulating, titles cannot be placed on hold online. To request books, please contact us at cbhreference@bklynlibrary.org. Click the heart beside the book title to create your own booklist (sign in to your account first).
Brooklyn Land Conveyance Collection (1699–1896)
The Brooklyn Land Conveyance collection documents Brooklyn land transfers from 1699 through 1896. Organized by block, these abstracts show seller (grantor) and buyer (grantee) information. To determine the block number for a specific property, just enter the address into the New York City Department of Buildings’ online database. A tutorial is available. Please note that these are just abstracts, not the actual deeds. In many cases these abstracts are the only records for these early land transactions that have survived. Additional information on land transactions can be found in the New York City Grantors and Grantees indexes, available in the library, which cover the late 1700s to the 1850s. These indexes are arranged by name of the grantor or grantee and document who sold and purchased the property and on what date. They also include a liber and page number that enable location of the deed. The deed should include additional information, such as location of the property. The originals are held with the City Registrar, 144-06 94th Avenue in Queens. Microfilm / microfiche of these records is available at the Brooklyn office of the Department of Finance at 210 Joralemon Street . To view the land deed, take the liber/page numbers to Room 203 on the second floor. Here you can request the microfilm of the deed. Copies of the microfilm are available at $1 per page.
Additional property information can be found in the land value tax maps, covering 1910 to 1970. Scroll down to the land value tax map section for more information.
For records outside of the Center for Brooklyn History's collection, see the following:
- New York City Department of Finance - Includes abstracts and deeds for property transfers post-1900
- New York Public Library - Includes Brooklyn land conveyances records for 1679-1850 and indexes for 1683-1950
Brooklyn Directories (1786 – 2017)
The collections include several types of city directories spanning the years 1822 to 1967, with one 1796 Brooklyn directory and one 1786 New York directory. The bulk of the directories are devoted to the city and borough of Brooklyn. A smaller portion of the collection covers or includes Manhattan, Queens, Long Island, and Newark, New Jersey. Many of our directories have been digitized and are available through the Internet Archive. A finding aid is available.
City Directories—Residential. Organized alphabetically by last name, similar to a phone book, these directories list the name and address of an individual, often a resident’s occupation and work address, and sometimes race.
Business Directories. Most are organized alphabetically by trade, then alphabetically by last name, and list business address. Finding the relevant trade listing can sometimes be tricky. For example, when searching the address of an ancestor’s drinking establishment, no trade listing might be found under “Bars,” “Public Houses,” “Taverns,” “Liquors,” “Saloons,” or any other alternative term for a business premises where alcohol is served. But the address may be found under the antiquated “Wine and Liquors.”
By Address—Elite Directories (1873–1913). These directories, issued by the Elite Publishing Company, are organized by address instead of by last name. By providing information on former residents, these are often helpful when tracking the social history of a particular building, and are often comprehensively cross-referenced with the “by name” directories.
Blue Books (1904–1962). As the name suggests, these directories are a collection of society listings. They have a “by address” search in the back of the book, which is helpful when trying to discover who might have lived at a particular address.
Directories on Microfilm The following directories are available on microfilm. Please note that some years may be stored off-site and require two weeks for delivery.
- Brooklyn and New York City Directories
- Brooklyn: 1796-1910, 1912-1914, 1933-34
- New York: 1786-1926, 1931, 1933-1934
- Brooklyn Elite Directories
- 1878-1882, 1885-1890, 1897-1899, 1901, 1905-1908, 1913, 1914
- New York Telephone Directories, including Brooklyn White Pages
- 1905-1920, 1924-1947, 1949-1950, 1952-1955, 1957-1977
- Brooklyn Classified Telephone Directory (Yellow Pages)
- 1944-1977
- Brooklyn Address Books ("criss-cross” directories)
- 1929-1931, 1933-1961, 1963-1970, 1972-1980, 1986
If limited information provided by directories or genealogy indexes is stalling your research, it may be helpful to search the census by address. The 1950 census can be easily searched by enumeration district on Ancestry.com. For all other years, follow the steps outlined in this blog post.
Brooklyn and Long Island Scrapbook Collection (circa 1860–1970)
The Brooklyn and Long Island Scrapbook collection is a collection of newspaper clippings arranged by librarians at the Long Island Historical Society—the predecessor to the Center for Brooklyn History—between the 1860s to the early 1970s. The complete scrapbooks have been transferred to microfiche and are searchable by a subject card catalog index in the library. For building research, the scrapbooks card catalog includes numerous subject headings for individuals and Brooklyn addresses.
Brooklyn Newsstand
Brooklyn Newsstand is a collection of digitized Brooklyn newspapers made possible through a partnership between Brooklyn Public Library and Newspapers.com. Brooklyn Newsstand (2,402,000+ digitized pages) contains 44 newspaper titles-including the full run of the Long Island Star (1809–1863), Brooklyn Daily Eagle (1841-1963), and Brooklyn Life (1890-1931), a Brooklyn Society Magazine. These represent some of the most useful resources available for any type of nineteenth and twentieth century Brooklyn research. Searching these newspapers often yields a wealth of information about past residents of a particular address, construction and architectural details, notable events and occurrences at the building, or advertisements seeking maids or boarders.
Landmark Reports
Is the building you are researching part of a landmarked neighborhood? You can determine the answer by looking at this map from the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission. If your building is within a landmarked neighborhood, it will be helpful to consult the designation report published by the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission. All reports are freely available on the LPC website and are also linked on the LPC map. Our library also contains print copies of most reports, which you can search in our online catalog.
Land Value Tax Maps
Organized by block and lot numbers, the land value tax maps hold information on property ownership and land value from 1910-1970. These materials are stored off-site and require a two-week delivery window.
For buildings relating to a business, institution, or organization, the Brooklyn Letterhead Collection may be of interest. This collection spans 200 years of business in Brooklyn. Several thousand different businesses, institutions, and organizations are represented, including carpenters, plumbers, painters, city agencies, religious institutions, and more. This complete listing of the names, addresses, and dates from the letterhead collection should prove useful to genealogical researchers, those interested in the history of various industries in Brooklyn, neighborhood historians and many others. Many of the letterheads are visually interesting as well, with elaborate typefaces, intricate imagery, and archaic handwriting.
Real Estate Brochure Collection (circa 1920s—1950s)
This collection primarily features advertisements for new apartment buildings, including some blueprints, and is organized by neighborhood. A hard-copy index with exact street addresses of the buildings included in the collection is available. A finding aid to the collection is available here, and an index by address is available in the library.
Yearbooks (1849-2016)
Yearbooks are an excellent resource for finding photographs of family members. The Brooklyn yearbook collection spans over 100 years of Brooklyn educational history. In addition to the class listings and photographs that are useful in genealogical research, the yearbooks provide a wealth of information about academics, clubs, athletic groups, and student activities in Brooklyn in the 19th and 20th centuries. Many of the publications included in this collection are compendiums of student artwork and writing, with visually striking design and content. The Brooklyn schools collection is another helpful resource, as is searching the archives portal for school names (tip: use quotation marks around search terms longer than one word, e.g. "Erasmus Hall High School"). The yearbook collections are consistently growing due to active acquisitions and donations. Outside of CBH, Classmates.com holds a great collection of digitized yearbooks for view or purchase (a free account may be required).
Additional House and Building Resources
The following is a select list of resources outside of the Center for Brooklyn History that are highly recommended

Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library of Columbia University
For more about building research, the staff at the Avery has compiled an excellent research guide for researching NYC buildings. A major online resource is the Real Estate Record & Builder’s Guide, described as “a weekly report of building activity in New York City and its environs,” dating between 1868–1922. Also useful is the New York Real Estate Brochure Collection, a digitized collection of advertising brochures, floor plans, price lists and related materials that document residential and commercial real estate development in the five boroughs and outlying vicinities from the 1920s to the 1970s.
Building Technology Heritage Library
The Building Technology Heritage Library (BTHL) is primarily a collection of American and Canadian, pre-1964 architectural trade catalogs, house plan books and technical building guides. Trade catalogs are an important primary source to document past design and construction practices. These materials can aid in the preservation and conservation of older structures as well as other research goals. Search the metadata for materials tagged with "Brooklyn."
Kings County Surrogate's Court
When looking into the social history of a building, you may want to see if any previous owners or residents had a will probated in Kings County. If they did, you can find it in Room 109 on the bottom floor of the Surrogate’s Court. Wills may provide such details as contents and furnishings in the subject home, or whether a particular property was a rental.
In addition, Brooklyn probate records for the years 1866–1923 have been digitized and made available online at the Kings County Estate Files website.
NYC Department of Buildings (DOB)
The Brooklyn office of the DOB is at 345 Adams Street, 3rd floor, Brooklyn, NY. Building records can be viewed in person at the appropriate borough office. Request drawings, plans, or documents for properties located in New York City by submitting a Record Request online in DOB’s Building Information System (BIS) via DOB NOW: BIS Options. For additional information please click here. These files can provide additional information often not available online and can offer clues to previous uses of a particular building, such as whether it was once a multi-family dwelling. Unfortunately, these files often do not include architectural plans.
NYC Department of Finance (DOF)
For land deed information from approximately 1896 to 1966, you will need to visit the City Registrar, 144-06 94th Avenue in Queens. The Brooklyn Real Property books are located in the Queens Business Center; however, microfilm/microfiche are still available at the Brooklyn office of the DOF at 210 Joralemon Street . The property books contain block and lot indexes, which show buyer/seller information from approximately 1900 to 1959. These indexes reference a liber and page number, which indicate the location of a particular land deed. To view the land deed, take the liber/page numbers to Room 203 on the second floor. Here you can request the microfilm of the deed. Copies of the microfilm are available at $1 per page.
NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC)
If the property you are researching is within a landmarked neighborhood, or if you live in a landmarked neighborhood within the five boroughs and you have a question about what you can and cannot do with your property, contact the LPC to find out if it has any files on that particular neighborhood.
NYC Municipal Archives
If you are interested in obtaining or viewing a photograph of a particular block and lot, the NYC Municipal Archives has the Tax Photograph Collection. Around 1940, a photograph was taken of every block and lot in the five boroughs. Visit the archives in person at 31 Chambers Street in Manhattan to view the image on microfilm, or order a print directly from their website. You can also view the photos on an interactive street map at 1940s.nyc.
ZoLa: NYC's Zoning and Land Use Map
ZoLa is a great place to begin building research. A simple address search will link you to the following information:
- Property dates - Dates of construction and renovations
- The Department of Buildings’ Digital Tax Map and Building Information System – Find block and lot numbers, certificates of occupancy, work orders, building violations, landmark status, etc. Be aware that many of the scanned certificates have been incorrectly matched with the addresses; make sure to read the certificate closely to see if it is indeed related to your block and lot.
- The Department of Finance’s property information database, ACRIS - Searchable by block and lot number, includes land deeds going back to 1966.
- Historic districts, historical zoning maps, and more.
Additional Resources
Another newspaper resource is FultonHistory.com, a vast, unwieldy, but often ripe NYC and New York State online collection of digitized newspapers on microform.
Two online map resources worth searching are the New York Public Library Atlases and OasisNYC, which creates detailed hypertextual community maps using updated data sources.
This research guide was updated October 2023.